We toured Arthur Miller’s classic to thirteen nontraditional venues throughout Brooklyn and greater NYC.

Words have power. Arthur Miller was a creative genius. He captures a place and time so vividly. Loved it. Took me away from this place for a while.
— Incarcerated man, federal prison, Brooklyn
First time I really laughed since I was in a shelter.
— Client, homeless shelter, Queens
As an immigrant I can relate to the play. With what is going on with immigrants in America now this play hits home.
— Audience member, community center, East New York
This was my first play. I would love to see another. I look forward to seeing you’s again one day. Thank you.
— Incarcerated woman, federal prison, Brooklyn
Superb, fantastic, and enjoyable experience. Words cannot explain. In a nut shell I’ll give this play 100/100!!
— Client, homeless shelter, Queens
Me gustó mucho porque exactamente así hay muchas personas en esa misma condición.
— Resident, senior center, Queens
It made me feel I was on Broadway. The actors were great. This was a show that is lived in homes everywhere (love!)
— Client, men's shelter, Brooklyn
I was hypnotized.
— Incarcerated man, federal prison, Brooklyn
Aprendí que historias como esa se ve en todas las culturas, idiomas, rasas.
— Resident, senior center, Bronx
I love the talent of this group. I’m really so happy that you came to us. It really came from the heart. Many thanks!
— Resident, senior center, Brooklyn
It was the best play ever.
— Client, homeless shelter, Queens
It was reality. At times it’s like I’m going through the same thing as in the play.
— Client, homeless shelter, Queens
Was amazing, that’s my first time in a theater and I like it a lot. Thanks for invite us.
— Incarcerated man, federal prison, Brooklyn
At first I had no idea what the play was going to be about, but within the first minute I knew I would like it. You guys + gals are amazing. You encaptivate the audience.
— Client, homeless shelter, Queens
Very brand new to me, felt like I was at Broadway. :-)
— Client, homeless shelter, Queens
Was great for me to see this show is good for us. We live in New York, the most of us people we live in NY we are immigrant.
— Client, senior center, Queens
Well as for me I really felt myself in Katherine’s shoes when I was young, because I been living on my own out my mother’s house since 17 years old myself. What I didn’t like was for Eddie to die. Even though he was so obnoxious with everyone.
— Incarcerated woman, federal prison, Brooklyn
I enjoyed every moment. The ending was very touching, wish there was more to the show. You guys should start yall own show and go world wide.
— Incarcerated woman, federal prison, Brooklyn
Like a piece of all of us living, new beginnings and all the challenges.
— Client, women's shelter, Brooklyn

Collaborative Team

Alfieri:  Annie Henk*

Beatrice:  Robin Galloway*

Catherine:  Sylvia Kates*

Eddie:  Jedadiah Schultz*

Marco/Mike:  Will Shaw*

Rodolpho/Louis:  Bradley Tejeda*

Composer/Musician:  Daniele Mutino

Stage Manager:  Lindy Lofton*

Costumes:  Fabian Aguilar

Set Design:  Deb O

Set Construction:  Ted Moller

Playwright:  Arthur Miller

Director:  Per Janson

*These actors and stage manager appeared courtesy of Actors’ Equity Association.

Presented by arrangement with Dramatists Play Service, Inc.


Our tour of "A View from the Bridge was sponsored, in part, by the Greater New York Arts Development Fund of the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs, administered by Brooklyn Arts Council (BAC).


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Our tour was also funded thanks to the help of 170 generous individual donors who contributed to our Fractured Atlas crowdfunding campaign, to whom we extend our everlasting thanks on our donate page


At Rockaway Beach, the day of our first performance. Back row: Lindy Lofton, Jedadiah Schultz, Will Shaw, Per Janson. Middle row: Sylvia Kates, Robin Galloway. Front: Daniele Mutino, Bradley Tejeda, and Annie Henk.